5 Fun Easter Activities for Little Kids

You already know about the Easter egg hunt, egg-painting, and chocolate eggs – so I’m going to talk about the eggzact (couldn’t resist!) opposite. Easter is about celebrating and commemorating the Resurrection of Christ on a special Sunday, but even non-religious folks revel in the family feel of the holiday.

Here are five fun, interesting, and educational ways to celebrate the day:

Make a Ham or Lamb Dinner

Have your kids help you with these traditional meals. Ham is more American, while lamb is European. The reason these are served in this season was once all about the schedules of harvest and slaughter… the tradition stuck, even after the advent of supermarkets. Top it off with Simnel Cake – this traditional treat is made from white flour, sugar, butter, eggs, fragrant spices, dried fruits, zest, and candied peel. Basically, it is two layers of almond paste or marzipan, that’s toasted and eaten during Easter week.

Bring on the Bunny

Make bunny costumes, fold some hare origami, or draw rabbits while teaching your little ones the origin of the Easter Bunny. The legend of the Easter Bunny or “Oschter Haws” bringing eggs to good children was brought to the United States by settlers from southwestern Germany in the 1800’s.

Watch the Sun Rise

Present a personal Easter Sunrise service for your family. As the sun begins to rise, explain how Light overcame Darkness when Jesus rose from the dead.

Go Fly a Kite

The famous “Bermuda Kites” are handmade and flown to symbolize Christ’s ascension into heaven. Sometimes we are so used to the same old practices, we find the holidays ho-hum; so see what else is out there in the world and celebrate it.

Read and Watch

Best bunny book? The Velveteen Rabbit. Best bunny movie? Hop. Check out more of our favorite Easter films for family movie night.

How does your family usually celebrate Easter? Share your plans with us!

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