Are Mobile Devices Harming Your Child’s Brain and Behavior?

As a parent, you need to know the latest information about the harmful physical and mental effects of cell phones and other electronics when used in excess. Brain research shows how the excess use of smartphones and other devices are affecting our health and wellbeing. Having the entire world and human knowledge at our fingertips is really valuable but the key is moderation, balance, and control.

Facts about Using Mobile Devices

Electromagnetic Fields or EFMs are the single most destructive environmental factor for the brain. Special Quantitative Brain Maps and psychological studies on the first generation of children using cell phone since 2007 confirm that Low-Intensity Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR):

  • Interrupts the maturation and pruning (wiring and connectivity) of brain cells
  • Damages DNA; may cause brain-body fatigue, headaches, and laziness
  • Affects and interrupts sleep (the “blue light” emitted impacts the production of the sleep regulating hormone melatonin in the brain
  • Disrupts memory and attention spans, affecting school grades and learning
  • Causes a 50% greater likelihood of stress, worry, anxiety, depression, behavior issues, and addiction
  • Affects communication, social skills, and family relationships
  • May cause GI issues, weight gain, and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Increases the risk of ADD, ADHD, and autism symptoms
  • Can increase the risk of brain tumors and cancer (especially eye cancer and leukemia and malignant gliomas).

Brain Surgeons report that they are more often finding tumors on the side of brain that people hold their cell phones. Studies by Yakymento suggest that a daily 20 -30 minutes of cell phone usage for a 5 year period increase the chance of a brain tumor by 300%; while a one hour daily usage for 4 years increases the chance by 500%.

A child’s brain is fragile and delicate with high absorbency. It is a work in progress. The younger the person, the more harm environmental factors like EMFs and RFRs can have on growing brain cells.

Important Tips

  • Avoid carrying your cell phone close to your body. It increases the chance of a high risk pregnancy and / or behavioral problems in newborns by 40%. In men, carrying cell phones in pockets increases the chance of infertility and prostate cancer.
  • Kids under the age of 2 should not play with cell phones or other electronics. They should not be used as baby-sitters/pacifiers to calm and silence your children. These are very high-powered machines that can affect the baby’s brain and shrink their cells, interrupting their emotional, social, and physical development.
  • Kids and adults should not keep their cell phone next to their bed at night. Do not sleep with your cell phone (or other electronic device), and do not use the phone as an alarm clock. Studies show that 40% of students wake up at night to answer phone calls and 47% to answer text messages. In addition to problems associated with interrupted sleep, sleeping with your device on your nightstand means a full eight hours of direct contact with EMFs at the level of your head and brain.
  • Parents of children under 18 should set clear rules and schedules (no devices during dinner, family gatherings, homework, bedtime etc.) for cell phone use. (And consider having all passwords and codes to monitor online activities).
  • Use a Q-DISC (Premier Lab) device to protect yourself from cell phone radiation.
  • Use a Blue Tube headset over a Blue Tooth headset (or any other hand-free device) to avoid contact with your ear.
  • Use an Alpha- Stim device (Mind Therapy Center) to reduce the effects of EMFs.

Cell phones are here to stay…that is, until the next great invention. And of course, you don’t want to raise children that are totally tech averse. But for the sake of your children’s health, you ought to be using electronic devices in moderation and balancing their lives with other outlets so they can grow up to be healthy and happy adults.

What are your rules for cell phone use at home?

Tags : health   development   technology   

Sasha Przybyla
I'm all for moderating cell phone use, but this article is quite alarming. Are there any primary sources we can reference for some of these stated risks?