
Pumping/milk storage when traveling for work

I’m hoping veteran breastfeeding moms can help me with this issue of milk storage. I have to leave on a business trip for a two days and will continue to pump while I’m gone. (DH is staying home with LO) Will the airline let me bring my milk on the plane? Is freezing it best?

Clmt Climt
During a 4 day international biz trip, I had put the frozen milk inside a large lunch pouch with freeze packs. As I checked in for my flight I was hoping the security staff did not open my lunch bag in front of my boss- but they did not! Baby food is authorized on aircrafts - the trick is that the baby is not together with you-
Christine Quinn
Such a tough one! I'd be so afraid of the whole freezing / thawing thing, I don't think I would risk it. I think I would just go for the pump and dump method (plus, you'll be after to enjoy a glass of wine after work!)