A Letter to My Daughter: 10 Wishes That I Have for You

My Dearest Baby Girl,

As I sit in awe of you every day, my heart grows more and more full. My love for you intensifies… and my fears about your future multiply. There is so much I want for you, and so much that I cannot control. Here are some of the hopes that I have for you, for the rest of your days on this earth:

1. I Hope You Are Happy

No matter what decisions you make, whether I agree with them or not, sweet girl, I hope you’re always happy. But not just happy on the surface. I hope you are blissfully, gut-wrenchingly, from the deepest part of your soul, so-overjoyed-your-heart-might-explode happy. So happy you can’t stop smiling that beautiful smile. Because baby girl, I love your smile. And when you’re happy, mama is happy too.

2. I Hope You Always Feel Beautiful

I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire universe. And yes, I’m biased, but ultimately what I think doesn’t matter. I want you to know you’re beautiful. And not just because you have a pretty face. Because you are intelligent, compassionate, talented, funny, and a long list of other traits that others envy. I hope that no matter how many times your heart gets broken (which I hope is very few), you can still look in the mirror and see your worth. To me, you are more valuable than life itself.

3. I Hope You Live a Healthy Life

We all want to live long lives free of sickness and disease. I wish nothing less for you. But beyond a life full of good physical health, I hope you are healthy emotionally, mentally, and spiritually too. I hope you never feel the need to harm yourself with substances or circumstances that bring you down in any way. Angel girl, I pray you’ll take care of yourself whenever I can’t.

4. I Hope You Find Romantic Love

My love for you will never end. But there are some things I cannot provide to you that a romantic love can. I want you to experience being in love. I want you to share your life with someone who reminds you every day how special you are. How lucky they are to have you. I hope, my beauty, that you get to experience building a future with someone, and I hope that future is brighter than any star in the sky.

5. I Hope You Find Work You Enjoy

If you want to go to law school, go for it. If you want to be a full-time homemaker, you have my support. If you want to bag groceries, I’ll put a proud mom of a grocery bagger bumper sticker on my car. Whatever type of work it is that makes you feel good, I hope you find it, and do it with passion.

6. I Hope You Are Treated Like Gold

One of the hardest things I’ll have to do someday as your mother is let you go. Release you to the world for you to fend for yourself. And I hope, precious angel, that when that happens, you are treated like gold by everyone you encounter. Schoolmates, friends, lovers, bosses, teachers, I hope you never tolerate disrespect. I hope you stand up to bullies, defend yourself to those who mock you, and never compromise your beliefs to fit someone else’s definition of what is acceptable. Hold your head up high, darling, because you deserve the best!

7. I Hope You Laugh a Lot

Life is hard sometimes. It can be brutal. You will experience pain, loss, heartache, and disappointment. But through it all, my love, I hope you can find a reason to smile. In fact, I hope you are able to look back and laugh. It’s been said that “laughter is the best medicine”, and sweet girl, it’s true. Even in those moments when life seems unbearable, I hope you find something to be grateful for. Something that helps you forget the hurt. Something that reminds you of the good that still exists.

8. I Hope You Have Happy Memories of Your Childhood

I don’t want you to ever think back to your childhood with tears in your eyes. I hope you remember life being full of butterflies and rainbows. That you have memories of playing happily with your brother, of me teaching you how to do your makeup, and of daddy dancing around the living room with you. Please, baby girl, remember the happy times.

9. I Hope You Embrace Who You Are

Your mama is a pretty quirky lady. I do some strange things, and I’ve never been one to conform to the ways of the world. I hope you are never ashamed to believe what you believe, or to feel what you feel. I want you to be confident of the girl that you are. 

10. I Hope You Know How Much I Love You

One of my biggest, if not the biggest hope I have, is that you know how infinite and unconditional my love for you is. Like a circle, it has no beginning and no end. There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. With each day that passes, I love you even more. I hope you always know this, and that you feel my love, even when I’m not with you. You mean more to me than anything in this world. In fact, baby girl, you are my world!

These are the hopes that I have for you, and for your future. But they are just the tip of the iceberg. Truthfully, the list of hopes that I have for you is almost as infinite as my love for you.

Your biggest fan,


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