Drug-Free Therapies That Treat Developmental Challenges

Whether you’re a parent of a special needs child, one that has emotional or behavioral issues, or you simply want to boost your child’s brain development, you need to know this: Advances in neuroscience and neuro-integration therapy are providing us with a new understanding of nature vs. nurture debate when it comes to a child’s learning, emotional, and behavioral development.

Whereas medical practitioners once took a very fatalistic approach to developmental challenges, new studies are showing that by taking a closer look at a child’s brain, we can treat the imbalances that are behind the symptoms. The good news? Medication isn’t required.

Old School Practices Give Way to New Science

In the 1970s and 80s, science and medicine told us that the genes we were born with determine how our brains develop, think, feel, learn, perform and function.

We used to think that the child’s emotional, behavioral, psychological, educational, and physical problems were disorders that can only be treated by masking them with pharmaceutical medications. We classified a “symptom” as a disorder and gave it a name, a diagnosis, and often lost the golden opportunity for treating these biochemical or electrical imbalances of the brain during the crucial early years of the child’s development.

It’s Not All Predetermined

Previously, diagnoses were doled out like life sentences. Medical practitioners believed that mental and emotional disorders like ADD, ADHD, Asperger, learning disability, autism, anxiety, and depression, while treatable with medication, were incurable. Today, neuroscience is providing a new perspective. We’re finding that many of these developmental challenges aren’t simply a result of genetics; they’re stemming from biochemical or electrical imbalances in the child’s brain.

Measuring Imbalances

With a simple urine test, neuroceutical labs can measure biochemical imbalances between a child’s brain cells, or neurons. With a QEEG brain map, we can assess the electrical disconnections between the brain cells and translate the data to a workable chart of diagnosis. By pinpointing the root cause of the symptoms, it’s then possible to truly correct the issue. Once a child’s unique imbalances have been identified, it’s simply a matter of providing the right nutrients, amino acids, and proteins that the child requires for better brain cell connectivity. Imbalances can be corrected without using drug therapy to connect and rewire the brain cells and treat the unwanted symptoms.

Drug-Free Treatment

Whereas doctors previously would recommend a lifetime of medication to mask disorders, by getting to the root of the cause, we can correct imbalances without any medication. Neurofeedback therapy, light therapy, motion therapy, and nutrition can reactivate the electrical activity of your child’s brain cells. Cells that fire together, wire together. So unlike the past, fatalistic belief, by nurturing the brain, it’s possible to correct the symptoms of developmental disorders using non-invasive, drug-free treatments at the cellular level.

Early Treatment is Key

Parents of children displaying symptoms of developmental, emotional, or behavioral disorders need to be proactive about therapy. Between ages of two and ten years, a child’s brain contains 50 percent more synapses than in the adult, making it an ideal time to correct imbalances and their resulting developmental issues.

To learn more about neuro-integration therapy for children, please visit www.mindtherapycenter.com.

Tags : health   development   nutrition   supplements   ADHD   

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