Use the Healing Properties of Tea to Calm Your Mama Nerves

For non-regular tea drinkers, we often associate a cup of tea with something we drink when we’re ill or stressed. Or maybe it’s fond memories of dressing up our stuffed animals and hosting tea parties as little girls – hoping to mimic high tea – complete with scones, jam, and cream (or just Oreos). But tea doesn’t just make you feel cozy or fancy – it also offers a blend of health benefits, you can’t afford to stick your pinky finger up at! Here are some of our favorites:

Green Tea

Green Tea has a wonderful ingredient in it – theanine. This amino acid stimulates alpha brain waves, the same brain waves that are active in meditation. Tea’s yin-yang combo of theanine and caffeine simultaneously enhances creativity, multitasking, and focus while producing a calming effect. Bonus: You’ll have a lot less jitters than if you were reaching for another cup of java. Another reason to brew a cup? Studies show that green tea can boost your metabolism by 10%. Enjoy plain green tea or go for a plethora of blended varieties to suit your fancy.


According to a 2012 University of Pennsylvania study, chamomile can help relieve depression, anxiety, and digestive problems, due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, tranquilizing, and muscle relaxing properties – now that’s a tea bag full of good stuff! One important note: If you suffer from hay fever or ragweed allergies, chamomile can cause some unpleasant reactions.


An all-time favorite for many reasons! The aroma of peppermint is so soothing – who doesn’t want to cozy up to a steamy mug on a cold winter’s day? But being a feel-good tea isn’t its only selling point: Upset tummy and irritable bowel syndrome sufferers may find relief for cramps and pain with this tea. Steep 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, strain, and cool. Drink tea 4-5 times a day between meals. Warning: Peppermint can worsen gallstones and make symptoms worse for people with GERD.

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is super trendy right now for a myriad of reasons. Ground from leaves, this powdery green tea is potent stuff. Because the whole tea leaf is ingested, it has double the amount of catechins (powerful antioxidants) contained in standard green tea. We know that antioxidants protect us against heart disease, cancer, and can help with blood sugar regulation and blood pressure reduction. To top it off, it has anti-aging properties and can boost your metabolism.


A hot cup of tea is comforting when you’re suffering from a cold anyway, so why not stimulate your immune system while you’re at it? Some studies show herbal Echinacea to be quite helpful in fighting a cold, while others don’t show a significant impact. Decide for yourself. Try drinking three cups a day until you feel better, but not longer than seven days. And don’t drink the first cup without having something in your stomach first!


While black teas boast the most caffeine content in all teas, Darjeeling is a lighter and less astringent option. Tea lovers say it can taste like wine, depending on the blend. It seems to work like a blood thinner, much like taking aspirin does. A study published by the American Heart Association showed it can be beneficial to drink to reduce the risk of stroke.

White Peony

White Peony is a popular choice for white tea lovers. It’s the least processed of all the teas, using the youngest and most tender leaf tips and buds, which also makes it more expensive than other teas. It also contains less caffeine than green tea. Like the smooth petals of peony, studies suggest it preserves skin’s natural elastin and collagen. Another study by the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism reveals more good news – white tea blocks fat cells from forming and speeds up the fat burning process.


Got a headache? Pour boiling water over 3 thin slices of fresh ginger. Cover, steep for 10 minutes, and add a few drops of honey. A 2014 study gave a portion of migraine sufferers the drug Sumatriptan, and the rest 250 mg. of powdered ginger. Although both groups experienced a reduction in pain, the Sumatriptan group had side effects of dizziness, vertigo, and heartburn, while only 4% of the ginger group experienced mild indigestion.

Tea for Two?

Some teas are safe to drink when you’re expecting. In fact, some herbal teas can help alleviate morning sickness and prevent insomnia. But other teas, such as those with black cohosh and dong quai, should be avoided. Always talk to your doctor before consuming any tea while pregnant.

What teas do you love to brew, and why? Share them with us!

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